
Total Access 5000

The ADTRAN Total Access 5000/5006 MSAP is a carrier class multi-service access and aggregation platform that bridges the gap between the existing and the next generation networks. With a pure Ethernet core, the Total Access 5000 supports both legacy and emerging service interfaces over both copper and fiber, easily scaling to support even the most bandwidth intensive applications.

As a Broadband Loop carrier, the Total Access 5000 provides converged POTS and enhanced broadband services using the ADSL2+, VDSL2 and GPON technologies. The Total Access 5000 provides a clear migration path for traditional services through its flexible network uplink options, including support for both TDM and VoIP switches. In addition, the Total Access 5000's Ethernet core provides a scalable and cost optimized aggregation point in the network, with interfaces ranging from DS1 to Gigabit Ethernet. Environmentally hardened, the Total Access 5000 and more compact Total Access 5006 are designed with the Service Provider in mind and are equally capable of deployment in CO, RT or remote node locations.
The new Optical Networking Edge (ONE) addition to the TA5000 provides an efficient, cost effective integration of Packet Optical Transport portfolio to the industry leading multi-service delivery and aggregation solution.